Enclosure: How the English Lost Their Lands
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Berber Empires: Zirids, Almoravids and Almohads DOCUMENTARY
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Medieval Travel and Pilgrimage DOCUMENTARY
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Battle of Fornovo 1495 - Italian Wars DOCUMENTARY
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How the Ancient Olympics Were Conducted DOCUMENTARY
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Battle of Formigny 1450 - Hundred Years' War DOCUMENTARY
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Last Stand of Free Celts: Struggle Against the Roman Empire
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How the German Empire Provoked Ottoman Jihad in WWI
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How the Fall of Rome Transformed the Mediterranean DOCUMENTARY
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Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt
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Ainu - History of the Indigenous people of Japan DOCUMENTARY
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Alaric's Sack of Rome - Rise of the Goths DOCUMENTARY
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How Bronze Age Trade Was Conducted DOCUMENTARY
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Vandal Kingdom in Africa and the Sack of Rome in 455 DOCUMENTARY
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How Rome Conquered the Ancient Celts
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Siege of Orleans 1429 - Joan of Arc Saves France DOCUMENTARY
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Daily Life of the Mongols DOCUMENTARY
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Cyrus the Great - Rise of the Achaemenid Empire DOCUMENTARY
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How Athenian Democracy Was Born - Ancient Greece DOCUMENTARY
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Battle of Taranto 1940 - Pearl Harbor of the Mediterranean DOCUMENTARY
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