The dangers of filming rhinos | Wild and Dangerous | BBC

BBC Earth

Phil Tufnell meets wild Indian Rhino | Saving Planet Earth: Rhino | BBC

BBC Earth

Journey to find food in the desert | Elephant Nomads of the Namib Desert | BBC

BBC Earth

Elephants in the Namib Desert | Wild Africa | BBC Earth

BBC Earth

Lions Attack Elephant | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

BBC Earth

Golden-handed tamarin monkey | Expedition Guyana | BBC

BBC Earth

Lobsters At War! | Blue Planet | BBC Earth

BBC Earth

Baby koalas | Born to Be Wild: Natalie Cassidy in Australia | BBC

BBC Earth

Swimming with dolphins | Born to Be Wild: Dolphins with Tamzin Outhwaite | BBC

BBC Earth

Sexing the crocodile | Born to Be Wild: Natalie Cassidy in Australia | BBC

BBC Earth

Dolphin tricks | Born to Be Wild: Dolphins with Tamzin Outhwaite | BBC

BBC Earth

Solitary Females | Big Cat Family Histories | BBC

BBC Earth

Lily-trotters mating rituals | Attenborough | Trials of Life | BBC

BBC Earth

Banded mongooses raising their young | Bands on the Run | BBC

BBC Earth

Breeding Southern Right Whales | Attenborough | Life of Mammals | BBC

BBC Earth

Coral reef wonderland | Wild Indonesia | BBC

BBC Earth

Diving with whales | Oceans | BBC

BBC Earth

Taking a sample of whale's breath | Oceans | BBC

BBC Earth

The Nile Crocodile vs Buffalo | Wild Africa | BBC Earth

BBC Earth

Dancing birds of paradise | Wild Indonesia | BBC

BBC Earth

Proboscis Monkey | Wild Indonesia | BBC

BBC Earth

Endangered Wandering Albatross | Saving Planet Earth: Albatross | BBC

BBC Earth

Cheetah Problems | Five Big Cats and a Camera | BBC

BBC Earth

Interviewing ex-rhino poachers | Saving Planet Earth: Rhino | BBC

BBC Earth

Poacher's rhino trap demonstration | Saving Planet Earth: Rhino | BBC

BBC Earth