Units of History - Viking Berserker DOCUMENTARY


Viking Colonization of England

Kings and Generals

A Land Fit for Heroes? The Treatment of WWI Veterans in Great Britain

Simple History

How the Viking Sagas Shaped Assassin's Creed Valhalla - History Podcast


Why Did Guy Fawkes Try To Blow Up Parliament? | Gunpowder And Treason | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Who were the Richest People in History?

Simple History

How They Did It - Growing Up Viking DOCUMENTARY


An American Globalist - Cordell Hull - WW2 Biography Special

World War Two

The History Of Submarine Combat | Secrets Of War | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Why Did Guy Fawkes And The Gunpowder Plot Fail? | History Hit LIVE on Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Basil II - Reformer, Restorer, Bulgarslayer

Kings and Generals

The Red Army must double in size... and now! - WW2 - 115 - November 7, 1941

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The B-17 Vs The U-Boat | The Wolfpack and Flying Fortress | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Napoleon's Marshals Part 3

Epic History TV

The Terrors Of Old Pagan Britain | Gods And Monsters | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

How Mighty is the Red Army? - WW2 Special

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Oda Nobunaga: The Great Unifier of Japan


Soviets Surrounded - Winter War DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

Misunderstood Moments - The Celtic Origins of Halloween


What was the best U.S. Military Unit in WWII?

Simple History

24 Hours To Go! The Rhineland Offensive - Crowdfunding on Indiegogo

The Great War

How did Europe React to the Fall of Constantinople? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Polish-Lithuanian War - Caught Between Poland and Soviet Russia I THE GREAT WAR 1920

The Great War

The Cursed Ship of World War II

Simple History

The Banality of Death - War Against Humanity 021 - October 1941 Pt. 2

World War Two