Saint Edward the Confessor: Last of the Saxon Kings?
Resistance is Futile in Nazi Europe - War Against Humanity 018 - September 1941, Part 1
World War Two
The Mystery Of The Castle Built On A Castle | Time Team | Timeline
Timeline - World History Documentaries
Why does Denmark Own Greenland? (Short Animated Documentary)
History Matters
From Normandy To The Rhine - Jesse's Grandfather in WW2 I RHINELAND 45
The Great War
History of the American Mafia
Kings and Generals
Red Army Assault Sappers (World War II)
Simple History
The Man in Monty's Shadow - Claude Auchinleck - WW2 Biography Special
World War Two
China's Secret Civil War | Secrets of War | Timeline
Timeline - World History Documentaries
Gavrilo Princip: The Teenager Who Started World War I
Henry Every: The King of Pirates
Homer's Trojan War - Dawn of War DOCUMENTARY
Battle of Dyrrhachium 48 BC - Caesar against Pompey DOCUMENTARY
Kings and Generals
What If Germany Won The Battle of Britain? | Real Fake History | Timeline
Timeline - World History Documentaries
How Carthage Explored the World in Antiquity DOCUMENTARY
Édith Piaf during World War Two, Kerensky, & the German Journey to N. Africa - WW2 - OOTF 017
World War Two
Our World 100 Years Ago - September 1920 I THE GREAT WAR
The Great War
Marcus Aurelius - Philosopher Emperor: End of the Roman Golden Age
Kings and Generals
The London Beer Flood of 1814 (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Another week, another half million for the Germans - WW2 - 108 - September 19, 1941
World War Two
How did Medieval Banking Work? (Short Animated Documentary)
History Matters
Tanks of the Red Army in 1941: Medium and Heavy Tanks, by the Chieftain - WW2 Special
World War Two
The Fighter Ace who Downed 11 planes in a Single Day
Simple History
The Mayflower: 400th Anniversary Special | History Hit LIVE on Timeline
Timeline - World History Documentaries
Battle of Crete 1941 - World War II DOCUMENTARY
Kings and Generals