The Fortress In The Lake | Time Team (Dark Ages Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

The Lost Aviator (Age Of Flight Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Burke and Hare – The Anatomy Murderers


Hail Mussolini, Haile Selassie's Usurper - The War in Somaliland - WW2 - 050 - August 10 1940

World War Two

Why did Napoleon Invade Russia? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Libya: The Ancient Chariots Of Libya with David Adams (Chariots Of Fire Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Thirty Years' War - Danish Intervention 1626-1629 DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

King Leopold II & the Congo Free State (1885-1908)

Simple History

Eugène Vidocq: The Father of Modern Criminology


The New Town Of A Norman Prince | Time Team (Medieval Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Victor Lustig: The King of Con Men who Sold the Eiffel Tower


Augusto Pinochet: The Great Betrayal


"What the actual f*ck, France?"- WW2 - Reading Comments

World War Two

Polish-Ukrainian War 1919 - The Battle for Lemberg I THE GREAT WAR July 1919

The Great War

The Battle of Beroia 1122 AD


Third Crusade - the Beginning - Kings and Generals DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

How Lithuanian was Poland Lithuania? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Flat Earth Theory - How Was It Debunked 2,000 Years Ago?


History's Smallest Superstar: The Real Greatest Showman Continues (Circus Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Cambodia: The Lost World Of The Khmer Rouge with David Adams (Pol Pot Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Hong Xiuquan: The Taiping Rebellion


20th Century Gals (Women's Movement Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Feature History - Rise of the Mongols

Feature History

The Battle of Levounion 1091 AD


P. T. Barnum and Tom Thumb: The Real Greatest Showman (Extraordinary People Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries