EXPLOITING the legendary 14,200 IQ animal noise call...

Disguised Toast

insane 14,100 IQ SHADOW KILLER plays in Among Us...

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our amazing 14,000 IQ impostor SPEEDRUN steamroll the lobby...

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among us but I'm a 13,900 IQ evil cartoon VILLAIN...

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creating the impostor DREAM scenario with 13,800 IQ...

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ruthless 13,700 IQ BODY STACKING Jester lobby strats...

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the greatest Among Us JESTER clutch ever... (custom mod)

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FAKING JESTER but I'm actually the 13,600 IQ impostor...

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NEW JESTER role in Among Us causes glorious chaos...

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how my 13,500 IQ BIG BRAIN impostor read backfired...

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the 13,400 IQ human lie detector in action...?

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the 13,300 IQ FAKE SCAN self clear as impostor...

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13,200 IQ REVENGE against the impostors...

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pulling out the 13,100 IQ clutch to save my REPUTATION...

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testing my new 13,000 IQ impostor VISION TRAP...

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the 12,900 IQ NIGHTMARE reactor call setup...

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selling out my impostor partner, a 12,800 IQ TRADE...?

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handing out a new 12,700 IQ game winning RIDDLE...

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successfully BRAINWASHING the whole lobby using 12,600 IQ...

Disguised Toast

my absurd 12,500 IQ MEME STRATS as solo impostor...

Disguised Toast

drunk detectives vs drunk assassins, a 12,400 IQ showdown...

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catching impostors in ONE SECOND using movement and 12,300 IQ...

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throwing her under the bus ROUND ONE, a 12,200 IQ diversion...

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make impostors CONFESS with 12,100 IQ hardcore interrogations...

Disguised Toast

pulling out the 12,000 IQ REVERSE marination strats...

Disguised Toast