Why was Japan Allowed to Keep its Emperor After World War 2? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Why Isn't New Zealand a Part of Australia? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Did Pepsi Really Own the Sixth Largest Navy in the World? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Didn't the Allies Get Rid of Franco After the Second World War? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why did Argentina Decline? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why is the Vatican an Independent Country? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why didn't the USSR Annex Finland (Short Animated Documentary)

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How is France on its Fifth Republic? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Did Kings Stop Leading Troops into Battle? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Does Luxembourg Exist? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why wasn't Japan Split Between the Allies After World War 2 (Short Animated Documentary)

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How Did Ancient Philosophers Make Money? (Short Animated Documentary)

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How did Communist States React to the USSR's Collapse? (Short Animated Documentary)

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When did Constantinople become Istanbul? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Does Moldova Exist? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Hiroshima: After the Bomb (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Did Britain Refuse to Annex Malta? (Short Animated Documentary)

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When Did Time Zones Become a Thing? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why does the west use Arabic Numerals? (Short Animated Documentary)

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How did the USSR React to JFK's Assassination? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why wasn't Iran colonised? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why Didn't the Allies Declare War on the USSR when it Invaded Poland? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why does Belgium Exist? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Why don't Countries Formally Declare War Anymore? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Did France and Britain Almost Unite into the Franco-British Union? (Short Animated Documentary)

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