Will Brazil Fight the Nazis? - Getúlio Vargas - WW2 Biography Special

World War Two

Byzantine Reconquista - Siege of Chandax 960-961 DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

Black Gold: The War For Soviet Oil | War Factories | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

157 - Yamamoto: Midway Round Two? - World War Two - August 28, 1942

World War Two

Why did Italy Abolish its Monarchy? (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Why were these 2 planes stuck together? (World War II)

Simple History

Rome's Lost Legion: The Story Of The Ninth | Mystery Of The Ninth | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Carica! - The Cavalry Charges of World War Two - WW2 Special

World War Two

Cholera: Love in the Time of Pandemic


The Mystery Of Rome's Ninth Legion | History Hit LIVE on Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Turning Point in the Greco-Turkish War - Battles of Sakarya and İnönü I THE GREAT WAR 1921

The Great War

The Profumo Affair: Sex, Spies, and Scandal During the UK's Cold War


Uniform of the American G.I. on D-Day

Simple History

Why and How the Mongols became Muslim

Kings and Generals

Battle of Adrianople 1205 - Fourth Crusade DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

Mysterious Life in Ancient Carthage - What Was It Like? DOCUMENTARY


The 1975 Australian Constitutional Crisis: Explained (Short Animated Documentary)

History Matters

Did Stalin believe in yesterday, when all his troubles seemed so far away? #shorts

World War Two

Did Churchill choose the thug life, or did the thug life choose him? #shorts

World War Two

Elite and Levy Units of the Eastern Roman Army

Kings and Generals

Leland Stanford: The Controversial Life of America’s Western Railroad Tycoon


The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Pompeii DISASTER (79 A.D.)

Simple History

156 - Swastika Raised on Highest Point in Europe - WW2 - August 21, 1942

World War Two

Did Patton really say “f@¢k you, I won’t do what you tell me”?

World War Two

The October War: Egypt's Tank Offensive For Sinai | Greatest Tank Battles | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries