Ammit The Devourer Of Souls - Egyptian Mythology

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Cerberus The Guardian Of The Underworld - Greek Mythology

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The Events Of Ragnarok Explained - Norse Mythology

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The History Of Halloween - Halloween Traditions Explained

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Why Are Werewolves So Popular? The History Of The Werewolf Legend

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Ratatoskr the Mischievous Messenger - Norse Mythology

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The Creation of the Universe - Norse Mythology

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The Myth of the Chimera Explained - Greek/Roman Mythology

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The Harpy - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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The Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology

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The Search for the Real Bloody Mary - Elizabeth Bathory

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The Chupacabra Explained - Myth or Reality?

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The Banshee Explained - Celtic & Scottish Folklore

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Who is Hela from Thor Ragnarok? - Norse Mythology

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The Philosopher's Stone Explained

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Creepy Halloween Tales - The Neighbour

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Osiris The God of the Underworld - Egyptian Mythology

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Creepy Halloween Tales - The Witch in the Woods

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Griffin, Griffon or Gryphon? Mythology Explained

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3 of the Weirdest Creatures in Slavic Mythology & Folklore

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Who Is Heimdall? - Norse Mythology

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Boggarts, Brownies and Dobby?

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Fenrir The Lord of Wolves - Norse Mythology

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The Lich Explained - Is the Night King a Lich?

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