CĂș Chulainn: The Legend of The Irish Hulk (Irish Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Who Is Mimir? - Exploring The Mythology Behind God of War 4 (SPOILERS)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Who are Brokk & Sindri? - Exploring the Mythology Behind God of War 4 (SPOILERS)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Who Is The Stranger? Exploring the Mythology Behind GOD OF WAR 4 (SPOILERS)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

God Of War - The Story Behind Kratos - (Greek Mythology)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Nemesis: The Goddess Of Fortune, Revenge & Retribution - (Greek Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

The Fomorians: The Destructive Giants of Irish Legend - (Irish Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Brigid: The Goddess Of Inspiration, Healing & Smithcraft - (Celtic/Irish Mythology Explained)

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Heracles/Hercules: The 12 Labours of Heracles - (Greek/Roman Mythology Explained)

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The Banshee - Creepypasta by Autumn Leaves

Mythology & Fiction Explained

The Morrigan: The Shapeshifting Goddess of War & Death - (Celtic/Irish Mythology Explained)

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Circe: The Goddess of Sorcery - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Lamia: The Child Devourer Of Greek Mythology - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Nyx: The Primordial Goddess Of Night - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Themis: The Titan Goddess Of Divine Law & Order And Oracles - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Cernunnos The Horned God of Celtic Mythology - (Celtic Mythology Explained)

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Crius: The Titan of Constellations & Iapetus: The Titan Of The Mortal Life Span - (Greek Mythology)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Styx: The Titan Goddess of Sacred Oaths & The River Styx - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Atlas: The Titan God of Endurance, Strength And Astronomy - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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Manticore - The Maneater of Persian Mythology - (Persian Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Hyperion: The Titan God of Heavenly Light And The Watcher From Above - (Greek Mythology Explained)

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"Skinwalker" Creepypasta

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Shinigami: The Japanese Gods Of Death - (Japanese Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Coeus: The Titan God of Intelligence And Mental Resolve - (Greek Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained

Iris: The Goddess Of The Rainbow - (Greek Mythology Explained)

Mythology & Fiction Explained